If you’re looking to remain in your own home while accessing aged care, a home care package might be your best option. A Home Care Package is a government-subsidised package of care services that currently helps older Australians receive aged care and support in their own homes. There are four levels of home care packages that Australians can access and each level includes different amounts of individual funding.
A home care package allows you to choose what services you need to enable you to live at home. You can purchase many different support services with your home care package, including:
Personal services: this includes assistance with personal activities such as hygiene maintenance, mobility and communication
In-home support: this includes assistance with nutrition, hydration, meal preparation and support to maintain a clean home environment
Continence management: this includes assistance using continence aids or disposable pads
Transport: this includes assistance shopping, attending personal appointments and transport to social activities
Mobility: this includes costs for crutches and mobility aids such as walking frames, walking sticks and mechanical devices
Nursing, allied health and therapy services: this might include occupational therapy, psychology support, podiatry or physiotherapy
Currently, there are the four levels of home care packages:
Level 1 – basic care needs This is the “entry level” for many Australians seeking in-home aged care and support. Many people who are receiving a Level 1 home care package would have previously relied on short-term support services through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme. A Level 1 package provides an annual subsidy of $8,250.
Level 2 – low-level care needs This is the most commonly allocated home care package. A Level 2 package provides an annual subsidy of $14,500.
Level 3 – intermediate care needs A Level 3 package provides an annual subsidy of $32,500.
Level 4 – high-level care needs A Level 4 package is allocated to individuals with high-level care needs. This package provides an annual subsidy of $50,250.
At QHC, we can connect with the right support and assist you to develop a support schedule that will maximise your funding.
If you want to know more about home care packages and see how we can help, contact our community care team today on 1300 527 464